Imagine . . .

We’ve been brainwashed by the political machine to believe that those with opposing views are, lame, lazy, “retarded”, losers. We are led to believe that we alone hold the truth despite the lies that blanket the battlefield. We know our history. We remember what blind faith and hate can do. Yet we don’t recognize the lemming in us when we become a slogan spewing minion for our American Idol. Perhaps it is a culture of who’s your daddy DNA “reality” shows or YouTube has given us a false sense of fame. But Life is not a game show. And we are in fact surrounded by a world of people who are more like ourselves than we are willing to admit.

I urge everyone to consider the possibility that we are all here for a reason. That each of us have an important contribution to our community. We are bright, we are passionate, we are determined and hard working regardless of our political values or socioeconomic status. If we want a better tomorrow for ourselves and our children, we must start today and embrace the notion that it can only happen in a space of respect, compassion and a little imagination….


“Imagine all the people

Living life in peace…”


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