It’s a Wonderful Life

There’s certainly an aspect of the holidays that I miss.  Strangely enough, I miss even the long lines and the chaos at the mall.  I loved seeing all the over sized decorations — even if the over-priced merchandise made everything possible.  I miss the holiday parties at work, when everyone was relaxed and smiling.  Then there are the things in my head that I feel the loss for in those small and seldom moments when my mind wonders off to insignificant desires.  Like the ability to go out to a special dinner and go dancing.  I’ve been sick for much too long to actually ever DO so many things that I see on TV.  And every so often, that pining stirs and I do wish I would wake up inside a body that behaved.

Which is why, despite being right here with the man I love, I still enjoy taking a moment with him and going into the virtual world.  There we can stop by and visit with people we know, who have decorated and opened their home for holiday parties.  Instead of shopping for a new dress, I can create my own.  I loved designing Victorian gowns this week, which may seem a bit odd paired with his leather.  But for us … it works.  🙂   And seeing us dance together on the screen quiets the din of all the mental noise that wishes things could be different.  Because as I look around me, its so very clear to realize I have a WONDERFUL LIFE.

Its easy to get lost in the soap opera stories of the season, because even though we say we don’t like drama, our egoic mind thrives on the meaty bits on bones we see on our plate.  But if we try we can train our monkey mind to simply

Enjoy the Best

Ignore the Rest

And Wish Everyone a Happy New Year.

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