Zoom and Doom

SpiderWhen an “uncomfortable” emotion arises, there is sometimes a tendency to want to look deeply at it.  Kind of like a train wreck, our meaning making mind gravitates to the discomfort and focuses all of its attention on trying to understand the cause.  And of course sometimes discovering the thorn in your Achilles heel is a good thing, especially if it is simple to pull it out and go on about your day.  But for me, and my overly creative mind … putting the spotlight on the unease tends to escalate that which I am trying to resolve.

Sometimes our body experience is simply a passing wave, not a call to action in need of analysis.  When we can experience the present moment without  judgement about how it should be (how I should be feeling) then we can put aside our analytical mind and just notice all that is before our eyes (I).  Stepping back we can see the beauty inherent in this slice of the perpetual pie.

Indeed even when (or if) we uncover some deep seated reason for our emotional pain, the pain body will simply attach itself to the next thread in the web that is our Sanskara.  We might spend all of our time dissecting our monkey mind because we falsely believe that the thinking brain can find Peace in the pieces of our past … or we can consider releasing all of our research chimps back into the wild where they can remember their true nature once free from scrutiny.

Of course, I like spiders and snakes so getting uber upclose to the monster that made the the web is an honor.  But when it comes to the zoom lens of doom that tries to define the moment as it applies to this “me” … I am better off to switch over to the wide angle lens and take in All That Is or I will be apt to frighten myself into  Muffet maddness.


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