Collecting more data points …

more-data-pointsThe scientific method was hammered into every aspect of my academic studies.  I was trained to question, and avoid drawing causal conclusions based on correlative data.  In my high tech career, I further removed myself from the flights of faith and relied on the raw data at my disposal to determine any action or avoidance needed.

Small wonder when I became a spiritual seeker so long ago that the path would lead me to the Advaita teachings.  Without the burden of precepts, dogma or the historical wars and political influence that stains so much of the beauty of our historical sacred texts and tenets.  Advaita uses the eye of the scientist to see for yourself what is true based on your own experience.

Even the words and legacy of our greatest sages come through with a pristine clarity when viewed with the same Unicity that Authored the pointers so long ago.  I bow deeply in honor of them all for the teachings they have left behind.

My experience, then, is the only Truth that can resonate in my being.  I realize as well that the Truth that I apperceive may be quite different from the experience of Truth of another sentient being.  So much is this the case, that much of even my own conviction in any belief becomes translucent when held up to the light.  Perhaps that is why I find no blasphemy with prayer in juxtaposition to particle theory.  Whether macro or micro analysis we seem to point to a movement beyond what the eye (I) can apperceive.

And in this place of not knowing … It feels good to sit back and simply collect more data points.

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