Holidays and Holy Daze

One by one, I watch my Facebook friend’s newsfeed reports from holidays, honeymoons and high-paced adventures.  I so enjoy the mobile picture uploads that chronicle beach get-aways, fine-dining and the occasional travel plan snafu.

In contrast in what seems to be my small world, I managed to re-pot a lily in my Zen water garden during a brief moment of summertime activity.  On an even more rare occasion I may make a trip to the garden center of my local hardware store — with an entourage of mobile phone not-so-candid pix that make it seem we were visiting the French Riviera.  Speaking of which, Dad is visiting Paris, Prague and Vienna all this week!

zen-garden-fish-pictureStories could abound at the microscopic quality of my life in comparison to what seems to be a much larger macroeconomic playground of the world at large.  Even so, it would still just be a story made up for the benefit of my own egoic mind; cerebral masturbation to stimulate and prolong the story of ‘me’.

Or … I could step outside on this not-yet-so-hot summer morning, kneel beside my Zen water garden and feed a goldfish.  Peace and stillness, without meaning or fanfare … save perhaps one little mobile phone upload!

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