About The Stories
Life is not what you make out of it
. . . it is what you make up about it.
Enjoy the illusion!
On Self Enquiry …

From Ramana to Ramesh the investigation of the sacred question Who Am I, or perhaps What Am I is almost universal as it meanders through our History books and Spiritual testaments. Waking from the illusion of the mental dream state is the definition of the Sage — be it a Toltec tail, Bible story, Buddha Dharma or Brahman Legand. Whether Tolle or Osteen is preaching the Word the seekers continue to flock to the guru in hopes of salvation in the form of the final understanding.
This dharma blog is a collection of my own experiences as I walk or at times wheel down the path. If indeed we are all One, the stories will be familiar and the sign posts a welcome validation that none of us are alone on the journey.
On the Gnani Chronicals …
Whether we call it “Conversations with God”, “Getting in Touch With Our Buddha Nature”, “Connecting with our Higher Self”, or “Looking Within” there is a space inside all of us that speaks with wisdom. With practice, I believe that each of us can access this Knowing Nature even during times of great turmoil and upheaval. The word Gnani or Jnani (knee-yawn-ee) is used to describe someone who is self-realized. The Gnani Chronicles are part of this ancient tradition of self enquiry.
About the Author
Before becoming disabled in 2007, Karma spent more than two decades working in technology in higher education where she design and implement the first microcomputer technology center for the student body back in 1984. Her unique Zen approach to business management, coupled with humor and hard work that were the hallmark of the team she inspired. She left her career due to illness in 2008 and in 2010, the college named the student computer lab in her honor (Nancy Parker). Karma openly discusses how she adapts to the health challenges she faces and hopes that sharing her story can help others. Her YouTube video on Dysautonomia is an outreach to everyone who faces a life limiting chronic illness.
In addition to the social networking epic adventure, In The Lila, and its sequel ELUZN has published a cookbook available at Amazon.com. The 30-Day Vegetarian, explores the treasures of cruelty minimized eating as well as introducing her readers to a whole new showcase of ancient grains, pulses and good old fashion comfort food at its best.
On her KarmaBytes.net blog, Karma openly discusses how she adapts to the health challenges she faces and hopes that sharing her story can help others. Her YouTube video on Dysautonomia is an outreach to everyone who faces a life limiting chronic illness.
In 2012, Karma met a southern man, Monks who holds her heart and her hand as they navigate this final chapter in both of their lives. She credits Monks showing her that you can be really really sick, and really really happy at the same time. In recent years, and as her health continues to decline Karma has worked with family members in her multigen home to create a repository of vegetarian recipes that can be passed down for generations. The RedneckVegetarian is a wonderful ever expanding collection of good food that you can feel good about.
When faced with her own healing adventures Karma believes that there are many roads and at the end of the day it matters only that you continue to travel.