Table of Contents Old AFPower Plays: Generators, Jackeries, and LightLoving KindnessGet Well Soon …Heart MedicineThe Intersection of Grief and GuiltIt’s Been A WeekJudgingWho’s in charge?Laptop HeaterThat one friend…12 Years Ago This DayA New Year EvolutionOctober is Dsyautonomia Awareness MonthFitted Sheet MarathonA small little life …We Do Our BestLouder LaughtrackCATERDAYMourning LightWOM Warning!Chronically Ill Merit Badges18k Worthy?Too Many CandlesWorth It For The JokeBurnt EndsMy name is Karma. You feeling lucky?Dare to CareEmotional Support AnimalGet Well SoonLife on HARD MODERenunciationNew DresserBaked Potato and Nacho Bar NightThe POTSholeFlawlessBitzy SleepsThe Cat and the Old LadyBless this mess …Hill of BeansIt must be the DragonMy Friend Died YesterdayHanging ClothesWhen the cows come homeComing SoonThe Jewel Inside The LotusBear with MePost Vaccine Party LifeAnatomy of a Good DayTwo Shots DoneThe Sentient LilyThis Girl is on Pfizer!Support AidesI want to hold your hand …The PaperAm I Okay?WorthyHolding our head highHappy New YearGive Yourself PermissionThe Mantis and it’s PreyThe Bell CurveThe PalletA wing and a slayerAbout that Instacart order…What’s Your Contribution?Navigating personal stress during the pandemicSocial Distancing vs AbandonmentI took off my wedding ring …Sacred and AfraidIn the LightThe Math of a Bad DayScam ALERTA quiet mind …Be NiceOn the 12th Diagnosis ♪♫I amA Bunny Slipper StoryIf Only IfJust One …No Longer RelevantExpired GrandparentsGoogle as GodA Spider in the MistFFS DO BETTER JIFNo One’s BusinessLiving the DreamNot In My YardOne Click AwayVeggie BougieMy Mother Hates Me, and that’s okayJust Another Not So Shaggy Dog StoryThe Trouble with TrollsThat time I got stuck in an elevator in the Empire State BuildingMay is for …Give it timeThat FeelingThe One That Got AwayBangsThe Flight of the TearsOn FearDark SideInvisible IllnessIn Favor of Fragrance FreeA New ViewFake NewsNew Year Resolutions 2019We Know What You’ve Been Doing#MockMeTooBe KindCheck YourselfThe BodyguardYellow BirdFuck OffIsItDownRightNow?Equanimity or BustI Don’t Wear Nail PolishDarwin and DragonsWhat would you tell your 18 year old self?Why Are You Crying?Terms of EndearmentDon’t Count Me OutOn The Edge Of BeesEpic FailMay God Hold You In The Palm of His HandIt’s time…Run a mile in my shoes …Favorite PantiesThe Bug, The Bedroom, The BoredomFood for NaughtFull LifeGetting Fired from YouTubeAnother failure bytes the dustParadise by the Hash Tag FrightsMoving Day, by Bitsy BitzEvery Woman Knows a WeinsteinDon’t Tread On MeMeaningful MemoriesDirty DeedsNature’s DharmaSmileDon’t EngageNever to Old For a Nude SelfieThe Price of StandingI’m Sorry I Married YouAsk Your SupervisorHate Crimes Against HumanitySaying what you MEMERemembering Your SanghaTURN OFF YOUR COMPUTERFight, Fright, FacebookThe Bitch of The WaitThe Missing PiecesE-PresidentBecoming GrandmotherThe Morning AfterDemons and DemagoguesBoth Sides NowSo close and yet so far . . .POTS HUMORCaption this . . .Make a list …Squeeze from the bottom of the tube!! And other things not to fight about …All Birds MatterThe Economics of AngerFrom Avatars to AltarYou won’t believe your eyes!How is Bliss?Melancholy MathFeral CrowNew SpillwayAwareness and Abortion RightsHow crazy does this make YOU?How I Lost Weight, Quit Smoking, Cured Insomnia, Became Enlightened, Paid Off My Credit Card Debt and Raised Three Amazing KidsStop BelievingNothing Good Can Come Of ItWhat My Daughters and Dan ALREADY KnowJust Do ItGGGDanny’s SongPrivate Message MeWhy? Because …Hey Mark ZukerbergFear FactorPaid in FulliSavvyI don’t look disabled?Lazy, Crazy & Faking ItSetting our sights on Chronic PainOf Mice and MenConstant ChoosingBoogity, Boogity, Boogity! Let’s Change a Tire Girls!!!#2FlatTiresThe Dog’s DharmaQuietly Quantifying QualityI AM (not nancy parker)Recursive LoopCry, Cry, CryTop Ten ListI Know BestImpeccable WordsMind FULLYou may have POTSShe’s Faking ItWhy you will HATE your new computer…For Your Lies OnlyDear GoogleGratefulThat time of year …Wise beyond my tears…An Inside JobData data everywhere and not a spot to thinkCoyote RunningDaylight Savings Time“We are our choices.” ― Jean-Paul SartreThis One is for YouWild WorldHow Much Is That Bunny …Zoom and DoomAll BassGypsies, Tramps & TheivesSurrenderEnlightened EndopterygotaSMSMESSLostThe Butterfly EffectPeaceful MindTaken Off GuardIts all an ELUZN right?Buddha’s LightSextingSing ♫ Sing a Song ♪We Work With What We Wake Up WithSeven Year ScatchPerfectly BrokenCultivating CompassionAsparagustingPavlov’s DogsCandy CrushMea Cupla but Truth MattersRaging in the New YearInvisible TapeYin Yang on the FlyEZAlt-heimer’sWhen Cooking And Chronic Illness CollideTastes like chicken …Facebook gets a little intrusive …Soup to NutsShame on GoogleThe ♥ of AddictionCustomer Service: Take This FootTea TimeHe makes me laugh …I’d like to buy a vowel …For those who think they need caffeine to wake up ….The Bliss inside of BrokenAwareness MonthSay AnythingCheckmateWhen the Now goes MissingNo Static At All ….How do you use your 24 characters?Faith over FearKarmaThe Scarlet LetterWe all scream for ice-creamDon’t let this happen to your dog!!Behold the RoseRent to OwnThis Old HouseI am in a committed Online RelationshipRiverdanceSuper MoonMental MafiaHousebound and HomelessA Snake in the GardenSo much ado, so little rhyme.I Chit You NotNow with 20% LESS!!!Windows 880 Proof CandyAlien’s Landing …The Daffodills’ WhisperMoney For NothingOnly Dog Knows …~Soft Smile~It’s a Wonderful LifeThe Smell of Home50 and Fine with ItThe Consequences of Constent CritisismGo ahead … Unfriend me now, save the rush at the apocalypse.Imagine . . .Forever a FamilyChanging Our ConversationBelieve Nothing …Shoot me, I’m dietingHere’s let me Help you HackIf you agree select NO . . .Southern ComfortEarlier Morning Departures and ArrivalsThe ProposalPour your sugar on me . . .The Stealth of StealingOn Broken Wings . . .Family MattersHow Bad Does It Have To Get?Until the next time …Lizard LoungingYou Look So Happy …Peace in the WindWhy Fall in Love?People You May Know …Head to HeadPrivileged ProblemsWelcome to The Litter Box!Speak No EvilRite of PassageManic MoonCoyote UglyDriving LessonThe Wild MindNew VisitorRemembering …Time to Think …The Crow’s CageBeing Sick Sucks!STOPThe ¿Cheating? QuizThe One Question Life AsksLife Happens … When You Aren’t Looking.Walking on Egg ShellsThoughts and Prayers for Gabby et aliaHappy New YearI am such a Twit!A Healing JourneyHappy Holidays!!Happy Rohatsu!Mega-pixel Manners Just in Time for the Holidaze12 Gripes of ChristmasA Thanksgiving “Meditation”Flight, Fright and FeastCustomer Service #5 – Pizza DeliverySo you wanna be a Pop Star?How Ø to Remove a Broken Contact LensReflections of the Rememberingɹǝʇʇǝן ʇǝןǝɹɐɔs ǝɥʇA Halloween to Remember ….Remembering Mom on her Birthday ….Giggles for a hard day ….Hummers in OctoberIt Gets BetterBeginner’s MindA One Minute (> or <) MeditationBeach Voyeur Sex StoriesBirds of “Pray”New FoodParadise Before My EyesPain & SufferingInvisible IllnessThe Tomatoe’s TeachingFacebook, Family and FriendsCustomer “Service” #4 — Mailorder Arrives!The HugCustomer “Service” #3 — The Happy EndingGaia and The Girl: Hang out with the Breath …Customer Service #2Days of our LivesThe Eye of the NeedleA Customer Service Comedy of ErrorsRefrigerator Art10 Minute Silent MeditationLounge LizardWhat time is it?You Got Me Babe … and other Trojans that go bump in the nightMissing MotherThe Dishes’ DharmaA Mother’s TaleThe HandThoughtlessnessOff The HookThe Rage in the SageThe Inquiry of the Common ColdThe Way is not in the WordsDeeply, completelyRight Now You Can AwakenOld Man and the SeaSending You a Gray DayPrayerDragon SlayerMay your suffering be eased …UpekkhaHairless Friends …I AM the Cause of My SufferingNew Year ReflectionsThe Bobcat’s BunnyHappy Birthday to Me!Devil WindsAsk The AnalystBefore the StormBring Me Your PainAll Quiet on the Western FrontRIPYour GreatnessRememberThree TomatoesThe ShiftThe Empty NestWhen Internal Experience Does Not Match External Appearance91° at 9:00 a.m.Talking Paws — Pizza PersuasionChemichal ThoughtsThe Strange Charm of QuarksOn Love And LoathingMullfullnessStrangeAlonenessNature’s TinnitusCenter StageYou’re FiredIf I Were To DieOf Cancer and Carpe DiemUltimately There Is No KnowingA Wing and a PrayerHolidays and Holy DazeSelf AppealOf Dragons and DreamsHonor Thy ParentsWaking From A DreamWhat Is That On The Floor?The Crow and the Crone, Thy Will Be DoneThe StormPity MeA Meal To RememberNature’s SymphonyTalking Paws — Stop Shaking The Bed!!Collecting more data points …Clean SweepTea with a FriendThe Perfect MomentName That Staulk!Getting to “I Don’t Know”Relax-a-BallTurn on a DimeBuddha or Mara?The GridironIl Dolore (the pain)Keyhole MomentsThe Programmer and the AntAntsStarved For AttentionThe MarionetteSometimes It’s Just Not PrettyThree Sheets to the WindDon’t Go Breaking My HeartThe Paper and The TreeDoggie DreamsThe Big GameCircling The DrainRainy Days and Puppy PawsStill Holding OnDéjà VuStill Stuck In StorySame Story … Same MeChide and PrejudiceLearing To Push MyselfRemote ControlThankyouTurn The Beat AroundCeiling Fan SutraThr Crone’s Maiden VoyageSomething Is HappeningDownsizingUup-eezTacky and Teflon ThoughtsLook DeeperThe Contagion of AngerAnswering The CallFeeding FrenzyRetreatAwareness AwakesLiving in IllussionNo UmbrellaToday There Will Be …Microchimerism? Chissà?Google SuggestsOn The Wings of a HeronOne Smart DogThe Cosmic CoinYou Are Not The AuthorSeeking to be SeenGotta Find It!Recipe for DisasterBlame It On NeptuneWhat’s Up Doc?Angry EyesWatching The ShowInbetween Siddhartha and the BuddhaWhat Is It That Is Aware?Nature’s Radio StationXerox CopyThe Ties That Bind UsThe Perfect MomentVivien Leigh and the Horn WormThe Wheel of SamsaraLet Sleeping Cats LieThe Sock PuppetToothless WonderKnow Me … No MeThe Lesson of the PrismSee An EnemyThe Nature of PainNo Time LeftThey’re HEEEEERE!Cement SeagullsFaces of GodThe Granite StoneShow Me A SignTrying To Figure It OutPneumaBedcover Energy AmbushThe Party LineThe Midnight SunWiggle RoomThe Art of Tearing Into a Dog ToyClearing an Accidental TraumaKnow Thy SelfScene of the CrimeEnergy HiccupsSo HumEnergy BlitzThe Conversation BeginsOn the Death of a Dharma Dog