Scene of the Crime
This morning I noticed a gallant hawk perched on a side rail of the gazebo. I wondered why she didn’t move at all when Taco or Dalai ran into the yard. She did move away however as I entered the grass. I watched her fly over the neighbor’s wall and cruse off into the distance. Then I noticed the two dogs were all a twitter. They were rushing back and forth around the dirt area between the gazebo and our solar water garden. At first I didn’t pay any mind …figured they were hearing something in the quarry behind our house. But Taco came over to me and insisted I come investigate. As I approached the water garden I could see that the water was all murky. The lily pads were in shreds and even the potted plants had been up rooted. Apparently the Hawk had breakfast reservations.
Dalai’s behavior around the crime scene was unprecedented. She would approach slowly with her nose to the ground and then back away as if she had seen a ghost. At first I didn’t see what it was that she was sensing. Then I noticed just a few large goldfish scales on the ground.
Now I’ve seen Dalai with dead things before (dead baby birds, snails, bugs etc.) and she is always Curious George. But this was different. She wouldn’t go anywhere near the water garden.
Even when Richard came out two hours later, to see if any of our fish remained, Dalai stood in the yard barking her head off — warning us we shouldn’t be there. She must have been able to smell something (energy field) that we couldn’t see.
As for the goldfish, only one remained and it was in deep hiding … and for the others, I suspect they have ascended and transformed themselves into hawk and are soaring free and high.