Know Thy Self

So it’s cold in the room last night (more like this morning, just before dawn) and the little puppy dog puts her paws up near my pillow so that I will move the covers aside for her to snuggle beside me underneath the blankets.  Her furless body feels wonderful next to my skin.  Her breathing is slow and deeply settled. She is a little ancient hot water bottle.  Then I remembered the article about Xolos and healing.  It seems the Ancient Aztecs believed these dogs were gifts from the universe and they possessed special healing powers that would extract illness from their owners simply by sleeping beside you. I thought to myself, what a wonderful gift.  I am being healed by this mystical puppy.  And I drifted off into a peace-filled bliss.

As I heard one of the children bumping a backpack on the stairwell, my bleary eyes opened partway and I snuck a peak under the covers to see the top of Dalai’s head nuzzled warm against my body.  I smiled at her tiny warm body.  I could still feel her deep paced breathing and feel the amazing radiating healing heat.  Then I opened my eyes a bit wider and thought … “Is that her head? Or is that her backside?” How could it be that I couldn’t tell the difference between her head or her ass?!

I looked and looked for a while more.  I knew if I brushed my face against her body I would be able to tell if it was her fuzzy head, or the rough skin on her haunches.  So I nuzzled close to her … and realized it was MY OWN ARM!  Dalai was underneath just out of view.

What is that old saying about how we REALLY DON’T KNOW OURSELVES AT ALL?!!!

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