
messy-deskFrom supersizing to downsizing, is it karma that swings the pendulum back after years of mindless consumption?  When I first lost my job, our investments seemed ample and the future was at least dimly plausible, if not outright bright.  As my husband’s dismissal followed on my heels we could still see opportunity, if not the means for a successful future.  But as the financial markets crashed, home prices plummeted and the jobless rate soared it was clear that nothing happens in isolation.

As seekers we are told that we are not unique.  We are taught to see our self in the eyes of our neighbor.  So when I saw my friends lose jobs, homes and health, it was easy to see the Truth in the ancient sutras.    As a nation we have gone from Sacks Fifth Avenue to SlickDeals.Net.  While our brains took in more reality show drama than ever before in TV history, our real life situation turned in to a dark comedy of errors.  I guess we should all feel fortunate that we did not get turned 180° on our assets by a blazing meteor.  At least not yet.

Band-aid bailouts may appease the ego’s demand for the illusion of solid strata.  But as the flowering of human consciousness continues to flourish, even during the irony of opportunistic circumstances, many of us who have glimpsed beyond the veil will never return to the previously scheduled program.  So clear to me now is the Truth that nothing is gained when you walk through the Gateless Gate.  What I was before, is still that which I AM … or to put it another way, size doesn’t matter!

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