A New Year Evolution

What if instead of a resolution to change,

We decided it was okay to BE who we are

What if we chose gratitude instead of criticism

What if our BEST was enough

and we forgave our self for not meeting

unrealistic expectations

What if we recognized our grace and power

and we stopped listening to voices

that tell us otherwise

even if they were our own

internal conditioned whispers

What if we made a small step

in the direction we have always held ‘

in the iris of our mind

of who we are in our heart

that has been waiting to love

All that Is

And in this New Year,

may we embrace the truth of our being,

shining our light unapologetically

with confidence, joy and pride.

ID: Looking across a sky filled with teal, pink and yellow clouds with a bright sun off center to the right, an older woman with long flowing silver hair stands on the edge of a mountain with palms open and facing the the sun.

Looking across a sky filled with teal, pink and yellow clouds with a bright sun off center to the right, an older woman with long flowing silver hair stands on the edge of a mountain with palms open and facing the the sun.

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