A New View

I have lived n this bedroom for more than a year now. Quite literally since I am housebound this is were I spend the vast majority of my time. The south wall of my room is all glass with four sets of plantation shutters. But we only open the set of shutters where the sliding glass door is. So the dogs can go in and out. At the far end of the room, the redneck has his hightech set up, so those shutters never open. And up until last week the panel closest to where I sit were also closed. I’m not sure why. Perhaps because there was an end table over in the corner. Maybe it was just out of habit. I remember saying when we first moved in … be VERY mindful where you first put things in this new house because THAT will be the place they are likely to stay. And it’s true. We tend to set arbitrary patterns and then repeat them without considering there may be another place, position or path. So somewhat out of the blue I asked the redneck if he could move that end table and open up the plantation doors closest to me.
My pond! I said with such excitement you would have thought that I was seeing it for the very first time. The view was literally only three feet from the other doors which we have open all of the time. But that yard made such a difference in the yard that I could see now from my side of the bed. No small surprise that the yellow koi lunged and breached the water’s surface which I rarely get to see, most often I just hear the splash and turn my head to catch the ripples on the surface of the water. But in that moment we both saw the koi jump full fins out of the water in the center of the pond. It was spectacular.
I spent most of the first day simply dazzled by the new open doors.

Even Bo found looking at the new view fascinating. As a sight hound she can spot even the slightest movement in the back forty from where she was sitting. Fascinated by a squirrel building a nest in a hollow of one of the avocado trees.
Everyone who came in was taken back .. WOW, what a cool window. Mind you we’ve been here a year. But sometimes it takes turning your head and seeing something for the first time in order to truly grasp that you are, right now, living in paradise.

Why all the color blocks? Well you can thank Gutenberg. WP new update that radically changed the onscreen editor. It’s a huge departure from how we did things before and there is certainly a lot of resistance to learning something new. But sometimes you just have to surrender and embrace what is. For me that was changing EACH BLOCK to a new background color and using the cool Drop Cap feature. 😉