No Longer Relevant

What is the relevance of being relevant?
Who wants to be heard?
Where is it important to be important?
When does my opinion matter and to whom does it matter to
There were two instances this week
In truth it may have been two million
Where I was confronted with
The reality that I was
No longer relevant
And to say no longer implies
That at one time I may have been
If I were to spin the Wayback Machine
Further to a point in the past than
Before it was to begin
Once upon a nonlinear line
I use to
Be someone
The auto-deposit paycheck
From my employer
Was proof of that
If not also
The committee minutes
That drogged on
Like millennium
And in truth would
No Doubt
Be much shorter had I not
Insisted on making
My Voice
But that was then
And this is wow
I can’t believe
You forgot
Who I was
I have changed my name
More times than most
By marriage
From daughter
To Wife
Mom to Grandma
Married thrice
But in truth I changed my name
for at least three
Of my mother’s marriages too
It is only my final
Chosen Name
That ever cost me a nickle
Back in the day
It was free to be
You and me
But I completed
The process
And paid the fees
Because it was
For this irrelevant
That no longer
Has an employee
At the bank that
No longer knows my name
So soon here
Before the new year
It is likely I will
Be who I say
That I am
Well me and a judge
In the superior courts
As published in
Newspaper for
Four consecutive weeks
Because THAT
Is what you need to do
In order to be heard
What follows will be
A lot more work
To get all of my
Accounts in order
And that will take time
But there is no hurry
Because I am no longer
Any of the entities
That I once was
And my words
May no longer
Open doors
Or seal the deal
Behind the wheel
So I can take my time
Until it’s done
And on my tombstone
It can read
In the end
It matters not
Who you were
In the database of Life
Or if you were
Archived in the
Honor rolls
Of the trolls
That followed
Your footsteps
Perhaps no thing
Mattered behind
The legend that
Lived on
Even before you
Were gone
So maybe we just
Keep looking
And work on
Our own Light
A little
Because our
Brightness isn’t
In anyone else’s
Eye doesn’t matter
As much as the
*I* in me, myself and
Why care at all
If we eventually fall
From glory
It was never worth
The worry, the what, who, where or when.