So Hum
I guess this story really began during my first meditation sit of the day (which often ends up being my ONLY meditation for the day — but that’s another story.) I was inhaling gently through my nose and in my mind’s eye saying SO and exhaling softly and saying HUM (I AM). SO … HUM. SO … HUM. This yogic mantra is said to be an onomatopoeia. As we inhale we can hear the subtle sound of SO and as we exhale our body vibrates the sound HUM. It also carries the meaning “I am that” (so = “I am” and hum = “that”).
On this morning, there was no mental noise, no thoughts. Just this still peace filled space and the sound of my own breath … SO HUM.
Soon I noticed the birds outside my window. Each songbird had a different tune that it repeated. Twee-do-do-dowee. Twee-do-do-dowee. It was suddenly clear. Each bird had its own mantra and it was singing the praise of God just as I was.
That night the kids and I meditated while my husband, Richard, took his nightly walk. The room was dark and we had flickering LCD candles and a warm glow of a salt stone on the altar. I gave the instructions for the children to practice SO HUM and so we began. SO … HUM. SO … HUM, Silently in our head.
After a while, all was still in my mind once again. I could hear the refrigerator humming downstairs but I didn’t label it “refrigerator” in my mind it was simply pure sound. It was the mantra of the refrigerator. There was a cable airport plane overhead. The roar of the engine had a mantra. The rustle of Daniel’s jeans … this too was God’s name. Soon there was a choir that joined with the tinnitus in my own ears in the most jubilant song of praise. Every sound, every where was the name of God. And I was awareness itself, hearing the glory of my name.
Netti, Netti. SO … HUM.