Google as God

It’s true … Sometimes I capture a spider (who was in an inconvenient space where I wanted to sit outside today) and Google it before deciding if I relocate it or …. Kill it. Because while I appreciate that everything wants to live, there are some rather venomous species of various creepy crawlies that I’d prefer not to encounter again in my garden glove or in my bedroom.

Which brings us to today’s spider in question. This very docile (look I’m dead pose on the chair when it saw me) had wonderful markings. A work of art really. And yes .. I did look on the underside to see the tell take burnt orange hour glass on the abdomen. It was a widow.

But unlike it’s cousin the Black Widow, the Brown Widow spider has a much less bothersome bite. Rarely more than the average spider nip. The theory is that it tends not to bite as deep or inject as much poison. Good news for those with an unexpected close encounter of the arachnid kind.

More over the brown widows tend to displace the more toxic black widow from the environment. While that’s debatable if it’s a good thing … My short sided egoistic mind says YAY better for me.

Long story short (not even close, but you knew what you were getting into when you clicked MORE…) The redneck left the pup with me and took the mason jar to a wood pile away from the main house and let the little one go on about her day in the SoCal sun. Ends another chapter of Google as God.

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