Awareness and Abortion Rights

Awareness-AbortionIt may seem quite out of place to consider the controversial within a Zen context.  But awakening to Truth does not mean that all opinions fall away or that we no longer grapple with the consequences of the course of action of others.  When we are Aware of the interconnectedness of all Beings we are able to see how each pebble tossed into the still waters creates the ripple that rocks our boat.  Every stone matters.

Admittedly I get much of my news from John Oliver if not also Trever Noah and occasionally Bill Maher.  Which all have a veracity rating higher than Fox News so there is that.

Fact is until I watched the John Oliver piece on TRAP laws I had no idea what happened to Abortion rights in several states.  Make no mistake the Supreme Court was circumvented at the state level which is anarchy plain and simple.

If you support the concept that abortion should be illegal in all cases, in every circumstance regardless of the life of women, than you might feel happy to know that it has been completely shut down thru TRAP  laws across the country.  Even so, I warn you that when you live in a land where the law of the highest court no longer matters … you may soon be surprised that some of the next consequences do not align with your hopes and dreams.  No one is safe when a handful of people take the law into their own hands.

Why should you care if a 13 year old victim of incestial rape can not get access to a pill that will stop a fertilized egg from growing?  Because you want to protect the life potential in the zygote?   Being Aware means we are willing to take off the rose colored glasses and look at what happens to unplanned,  unwanted babies.  They don’t go to loving middle class white families waiting to adopt newborn bundles of joy.  These kids from mother’s who wanted an abortion but were unable to do so remain with their struggling mothers.  The children are often neglected and abused and become part of the crime statistics.

I know what it is like to be raised by a mentally ill teenage mother who did not want to be pregnant … was not capable of raising a baby … could not love or provide for a child.  There isn’t enough therapy or medical insurance to fix the broken in that scenario.   The streetwise sage will tell you even more personal stories of the lack of fair or wellness in our welfare system when it comes to protecting children.

Make no mistake … you do not save a life.  You condemn an innocent child to a life sentence that is too painful to appreciate  … which is why we turn away and pretend it doesn’t exist.

If you think these latchkey kids don’t affect your affluent assets consider how the public school system uses limited funds, how your tax dollar supports government programs (prisons, foodstamps, medicaid and more).  It doesn’t take CSI to figure out the crime scene aftermath.  Make no mistake you did not save a life.  Studies support common sense that legal abortion lowers crime.

So be clear at least … stopping abortion does not in save lives.  It kills oxygen breathing carbon beings.

So then maybe just maybe that pregnant 13 year old rape victim should have an option … maybe … if she takes the morning after pill?  If the takes RU-486 pill when she misses her first period?  If she raises the money for an abortion before the heart beat can be heard?  If her life is in danger in her second tri-mester?  If the baby is found brain dead at 28 weeks?

Decide for yourself when it seems reasonable to you.  Then realize you don’t get to decide for someone else … and the TRAP laws that circumvented the supreme court roe v wade just took away all of the options on the table.

There are consequences.

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