The Conversation Begins

Whether we call it “Conversations with God”, “Getting in Touch With Our Buddha Nature”, “Connecting with our Higher Self”, or “Looking Within” there is a space inside all of us that speaks with wisdom.  With practice, I believe that each of us can access this Knowing Nature even during times of great turmoil and upheaval.  The word Gnani or Jnani (knee-yawn-ee) is used to describe someone who is self-realized.  The Gnani Chronicles are part of this ancient tradition of self enquiry.

EGOIC MIND: My heart skips and it still terrifies me, like it always did.  Like I fear it always will.  I have no clue what to do.

GNANI: So, still in the illusion that DOING is what will solve the problem in your mind?

EGOIC MIND: Yes.  Because Do Nothing seems so hard in the moment.  In the moment, I want to take action … rush to the hospital, get an artificial heart that will pump forever.

GNANI: Yes, you believe you can be immortal with the exploits of science, don’t you?  That is the fallacy right there.  Good for you to see it for what it is.  You can not obtain immortality … you already ARE immortal.  Stop believing the lie of your own birth and you will stop fearing the death of the body.

EGOIC MIND: But how?  How do I stop believing my birth.  I have pictures.  My mother was present.  Seems like I was born.  And I have been to my Grandfather’s funeral.  Seems like I too will die just the same.

GNANI: On the level of form you are quite right.  The body was manifested and the body will cease to manifest.  But YOU are not the body, nor are you the mind.  You have experienced this deeply yet you continue to vacillate between form and the formless.  Decide now to spend all of your time and attention on your true nature.  Do not wait until you are in a mental snake pit and then look upon your authentic self for salvation!  Unless you already KNOW WHAT YOU ARE you will be unable to transcend the experiences of the body/mind.  Go about your business, take care of your family.  But keep part of your attention on the timeless, empty nature of your BEING.  Look not out from your eyes.  Search not inwardly with your vision.  But step back and be still inside.  Spend time in this place.  The rest will come.

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