New Visitor

We’ve lived in this house for more than a dozen years and over the many seasons we have had an interesting variety of back yard visitors.  There was that one spring when a family of quail came to our ground feeder each evening before dusk.  And the love bird who found its way among a local flock of wild parrots.  I’m quite sure we have the odd opossum and raacoon as well, given the look of my small solar water garden on some mornings when the lilly pads are sliced to shreds and the potted plants are turned upside down.  But I’ve actually never seen more than a few footprints in the soil to know that we have nocturnal neighbors.

One thing we don’t have that seems a bit odd since I know them to be residents of nearby parks and adjacent communities, is squirrels.  Perhaps once or twice I’ve seen a glimpse of the California ground squirrel.  Which in truth looks to me to always be a bit destitute, what with the scraggly tail and granite tones.  Growing up in Jersey of course there was the remarkable black squirrels.  But for whatever reason (okay coyotes, bob cats and our lovely hairless dogs that are expert ratters) we never seem to see any tree squirrels in our neck of the not-so-woods-suburbs.

Until this week.

How exciting it was to see this little friend at our platform bird feeder, happily chewing away at the sun flower seeds and peanuts that I put out for our scrub jays.  I realize that most back yard birders, go to great lengths to stop squirrels from eating the seed they put out for the feathered guests, but seriously WHY?  This is a squirrel!!  I realize the birds may have to wait.  But can you see those tiny little hands?  Is that not the cutest thing on this earth?!

Okay, okay.  Technically it’s a rodent.  Hellooooo.  Bird flu any one?  And for that matter, I really don’t mind the rats that come and feed at the tray either … as long as they don’t take up residence in my attic (but that’s a catch and release not-so-shaggy-dog story for another time.)

For today, I get to sit and watch this amazing little creature sort through the bounty in the hanging tray and pick over to find the perfect muesli of her choosing.  And from where I sit near my little window to the world on a day that I can’t seem to do much else but admire the outdoors … it simply doesn’t get much better than this.

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