Manic Moon

All around me I see the carnage of lives that weep from open wounds oozing with infected bile which sting as the salt from toxic tears rush into the hole in their heart. From one fire to another, I watch my dear friends run with buckets to dowse the flames, only to find they have been carrying kerosine and are now engulfed in the blaze of hell with No Exit in Sartre.
Over there is a young woman who has cut herself for the billionth time and now panics that maybe she has gone too far tonight. Another sage is in tears as she talks to her lover on the phone and wonders how an unworkable situation could ever possibly work. We all wonder all the time … are we doing the right thing … are we reading the signs right?
Should we stalk?
Or should we walk away?
And do we actually have a choice?
As I look at the manic moon, there are no easy answers. Nothing is certain. Even our uncertainty may fade one day. But rest assured that edgy feeling of dis-ease will get replaced by a new disordered mental concept. Because we never really run from our problems. We never actually close the book on our broken heart. We only ever trade one neurotic thought in our monkey mind for another greater or equal distraction.
And they ARE just that. Distractions from the Truth. The Truth that tomorrow never does come. The Truth that we are not as small as we think we are. The Truth that we don’t know and we have forgotten far more than we will ever know in this tiny spec of an existential existence. The Truth that everything is Perfect. Just as it is.
Despite what our mind is telling us in the moment…
Regardless of the three alarm disaster siren that drowns out the bird song outside our window….
Enjoy this moment.
Or not.
Dance in the rain
While you weather the storm
Be happy or not
But SEE the Truth.
Because in that Seeing
You realize
that You Are
The Man in the Moon
the Moonbeam
that lands on
the empty space
in the back of
your Eye (I).