Fuck Off


Woman Loses Prized NASA Internship Over Vulgar Tweet … 

Women Say Fuck

Of course we will never know if this incident would have unfolded in quite the same manner had the OP been a man, but I would venture to say nothing news worthy would have occurred.

Women in the workplace must walk a delicate line and be seen as demure or risk retaliation. We can’t raise our voice, we must not interrupt, we are not permitted the same salty language that men frequently use.

The word fuck has become a common colorful word used more frequently to express elation over erections. But that’s it is it not? Ultimately we are still trying to control a woman’s place in the bedroom or the boardroom. And if we hold her job over her head and make her beg on her knees that Boss Daddy may give her an entry level position where she will make less money and receive less promotions than her co-workers using a different bathroom.

Trump routinely incites violence with his racist, misogynist rants. Clearly we aren’t in Kansas and we won’t be told to play Dorthy to your Tin-man.

Fuck Off

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