Bless this mess …

ID: Two images side by side, the first is a schnauzer with her toys all inside of a wicker basket, the caption reads “What I tell people my life looks like.” The next image is the same dog with toys strewn all over the floor. The caption reads “What my life ACTUALLY looks like EVERYDAY.”

The façade of social media and perhaps now we need to include “filters” on REELS is that everything is jake, a term reportedly used in a century ago (before cool was fashionable 😉 ) but it’s likely even then if you read between the lines you understood that the situation probably wasn’t as rosy as was portrayed. There’s a fine line of course, between sharing, caring and over sharing your whole medical history and the reason why you haven’t showered in more days than you can remember.

I think the important point to remember though is that everyone is using a filter in one form or another. To show their “best face”. Maybe that’s with a smilie face emoticon, or the perfect O Ring Selfie lighting or even the absence of content because they just can’t cope with the droves of diatribes that Facebook wants us to believe is the social norm.

But there’s nothing normal when we hide behind our story, nor is there anything wrong with hiding when we feel the need to protect our space. However we want to engage with the world (or virtual worlds 😉 ) is entirely up to us and we can change our mind on a dime. Some days we may feel bold and confident enough to let ourselves look silly. I can’t say enough about how THIS made me smile:

And I really love that longer clip that Bubba shared on his social media. Because it was pure and simple FUN. From a man who is subject to the most vile racist hate trolling in NASCAR. Networks and “reporters” use it to their advantage and drop Bubba’s name in every sound byte they can in order to blow the dog whistle for the cyberbullies to come to the yard. People complaining that they LEFT NASCAR because the confederate flag is gone. Yet they still seem to follow NASCAR news and interject Bubba’s name even when he’s not in actual article. I get the expression Rent Free.

So kudos to the driver of the 23 car for having FUN in the middle of the mayhem that media would like to think represents the whole picture.

Each of us have the picture that we show the world (or the avatar we dance with on date night) and sometimes I suppose we may also have a picture in our MIND that we think we should rise to the occasion to match or mend. But really, the scattered mess of toys all over the floor can be exactly what is needed to truly ENJOY the moment. Bless this mess and roll the laugh track.

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