It must be the Dragon
So here’s the thing … I don’t go in to Sinespace live, much at all ever. I’m more comfortable behind the scenes MESH-ing around. Geek that I am. And when I DO go in, it’s only on the preview server where there aren’t any “people” and the full breadth of the catalog is unavailable. (Read that, the avatars look like noobs.) So last night, was the first time I’ve been in SS in a LONG while. Each of us who live in 3D Virtual Worlds know that we fine tune our look as time goes by. Sometimes we have short hair, no hair, tats or fur if you are in to that. Safe to say, I hadn’t SEEN Monks in a really long time. But I wanted to make a video for his new Dragon and asked if I could join him at his TownSquare NightLife Club. (Cause it’s an audio reactive dragon .. naturally. LOL)Anyway .. long story short. When I SAW his “new” look. The facial hair, the frame .. the whole package. My heart melted. Shhhhh .. I didn’t mention it to him and I’m fortunate he doesn’t READ my shaggy dog story long azz posts. But DANG, I still have dragon tat fever. I suspect I will forever have a crush on that silent Avi dancing in the corner of the club. But at least last night, I didn’t have to take a number and wait in line with the groupies. lol.