Blame It On Neptune


Blame it on Neptune and the way the cosmos move

Tell it to the full moon you have nothing to prove

This is all there is

But you won’t see that with your mind

Step back lightly into now

Feel the Grace intertwined

Allow all to come without pushing away

Cling to nothing as your own at the end of the day

Blame it on Neptune and the way the cosmos move

Tell it to the full moon you have nothing to prove

Let go of all control, That you never really had

Seek the One soul, Lotus on the lily pad

You are neither damned nor chosen,

Or unique in any way

Words cannot describe the truth

But simply point the way

Close your eyes and follow your heart

It leads you to the Source

You are that already which you seek

Without effort or force

Blame it on Neptune and the way the cosmos move

Tell it to the full moon you have nothing to prove

Accept what is and walk away

Always Nirvana in all ways Today

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