Moving Day, by Bitsy Bitz

Everyone talks about The Move
I don’t know what that is
But it seems to involve boxes
Lots of boxes
My toys are missing
Everthing smells different
My people are tense
very tense at times
And tired
More tired than I’ve seen them before
It’s all about this Move
I don’t like Moves
I just want to sit next to
my people
I’m afraid they might go missing
I don’t want to be
put in a box
They said the move is tomorrow
Its after midnight now
So that means the move is today
I can’t sleep
My people aren’t sleepin’
My koi fish got put in boxes
My bunnies are gone
I don’t want to be gone
I have to stay close
I need to be touching a person
Today is moving day
But I don’t know what that means.

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