Happy New Year

The sad reality is not everyone survived 2020. Not all of our loved ones, not all relationships, not our savings, health or perhaps homes. It was a hard year inside, out and in between all the sticky places where we felt helpless and uncertain. Juxtaposed within the iris of the storm there were opportunities for online communities, concerts from home, video physicians, creative remote work spaces that had never before been considered a possibility but hopefully will blaze a path for the future that will continue to provide more resources for more of us who fell outside the world at large.

Maybe you had hopes of writing the novel you know is waiting in the wings of your whims, perhaps you thought you would train in your home gym, but somehow the best intentions may only have managed that you grew a wild yeast sour dough starter and kept it alive for the better part of a year. In truth, if you rang in the new year, YOU survived 2020 and THAT in and of itself is ENOUGH. You are ENOUGH. You did enough, you tried your best, you ended up right where you are now, and even if this place isn’t where you hoped it is simple enough for this moment that you made it to this midnight.

Monks and I are grateful to our family for hunkering down to protect each other and us. We are blessed that our bubble was filled with laughter and love. We don’t know what the next year will bring, we realized a long while ago that there is very little we do know for certain. But we hold hope for better days down the road and we wish each of you that this next chapter brings you closer to the image you hold sacred in the iris of your mind.

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