The Trouble with Trolls
I am always appalled by the number of trolls I see on politician’s social media page (FB). Then I wondered, does EVERYONE have such prolific internet hecklers? Or is it just the women, or black candidates that I follow? Is it around social justice issues? Or is this a problem across the board.
Now, I didn’t do a comprehensive study (yet 😉 ) but I did take a quick glance at people like Lindsey Graham, Shelley Moore Capito, , Tom Cotton and a few others who are up for re-election in 2020. Go see for yourself … compare these (or other GOP) to say Kamala Harris, or Sheldon Whitehouse or Cory Booker.
Not only are the TROLLS exponentially more active on the blue candidates .. facebook “ranks” the comments as MOST RELEVANT that are from the opposition. Usually filled with hostile, irrelevant, fake news-esque barbs. (Remember FB gets money each time we “engage” so it’s no surprise that their algorithms are set to stir the pot.
I use to say “Don’t Engage The Rage” because I understood that Facebook is baiting us. But the more I see this trend, I do believe these attacks (hacks) make a difference. I think that the (paid? russian?) trolls have so much copious time on their hands to assault our candidates 24/7 means something (follow the money). At the very least it’s worth looking at this further and deciding if there is more we can each do as we enter what is bound to be a fast and furious road to the 2020 election.