I am such a Twit!

Every now and zen when I am in between a creative undertaking, I begin to focus on how to increase my refrigerator art visibility (or is that viability?)  And since putting a near naked toga clad image of myself up on YouTube didn’t seem to do the trick (ok, I am nearing 50, what could I expect 😉  ) … I decided I’d look at my web site grade and see where I could tweak my profile.

The Website Grade for coolkarma.com!
CoolKarma WebSite Grade

Turns out the “experts” say I need a Twitter account!  Who knew?  So after watching the Sorcerer’s Apprentice last night and feeling very crafty — if not also way over tired — I decided to log on to my laptop and create my very own TWITTER profile.  Problem is I am a bit late to jump on the twitter band wagon and all the “good user names” were already taken.

When I was on the bleeding edge of technology in my previous life, I would be the first person to sign up for all the new killer apps and was always able to secure my preferred moniker.

Blog Grade for www.coolkarma.com/dharma
Dharma Blog Grade

Since my aim was to enhance my website profile, I wanted to use CoolKarma as my Twitter name.  But of course CoolKarma was no longer available.  On YouTube I had to create CoolKarmaVideo because my domain name had already been grabbed.  But CoolKarmaTwitter was too long to qualify for a tweet account.  It was getting late, and my sorcerer magic was beginning to fade as I considered the various options.

  • CoolKarmaDOTcom?
  • MsKarma?
  • CoolKarmaCOM?
  • MyCoolKarma?
  • CoolKarmaTwit?

As it was approaching midnight,  I reluctantly settled on CoolKarmaTwit … not without much hesitation and significant remorse for not being an early bird.

I completed the Twitter new account form with my full name and email address and the Plan B username I had selected and pressed the CREATE button.

When I saw the error message that the email addy I had entered was already in use I was elated!  I was ALREADY CoolKarma on Twitter!!  I must have signed up long ago when I was still pretending to be in the fray of technology movers and shakers.

So okay.  I am now aimed to tweet and I’ve put an official follow me badge on this post! Follow CoolKarma on Twitter

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