Alien’s Landing …
When it rains it pours, or sometimes it hails. What a treat to have tiny ice pearls falling from the sky. Too small to do any damage, and such a thrill to see in the foothills of the desert. Michael and I watched for a long while as the Ice Capades danced on the driveway and melted in between the blades of green grass in the front yard. I tried to convince him that it was snow, but his Kentucky memories knew better. In the distance we could even see the hail falling from high in the sky over the hills just north of us on the horizon.
The sound, the smell and the cool crisp air was the perfect storm for our thalamus to enjoy. Nature indeed can present the most amazing Technicolor HiDef surround sound feature presentions if only we heed to her teasers.
Thar’s Gold in Them Thar Hills, may well be true. But the true reward is in the breathtaking moments that nature hands to us on her silver platter. The other morning as I was pulling the miniblinds up and gazing at the sunrise that was just beginning to illuminate our mountains, I saw a dancing reflection on top of one of the houses as the light bounced off the structure. The brilliance was amazing and I stood in awe with my camera as I tried to steady my hand and capture nature’s special effects team through my double pane bedroom window.
God’s Grace. A UFO. An angelic fiddler on the roof. What wonderful stories could be written around such a spectacular visual treat if we were to try and attach meaning … to what is simply meaningful in the moment.
There are no words needed, so without further ado … adieu.