A Bunny Slipper Story

Monks mentioned he saw a comment in passing that someone was looking for bunny slippers in Sinespace. He told me with that sly smile he has and I raised an eyebrow back and nodded slightly. You see, bunny slippers mean something in our against the odds #Avatar2Altar reality show. You may not know this about Monks (😜) but he’s a quiet man, if not nearly silent avatar. As such, it takes more than a bit of reading in between the lines to discern his mood or intentions. Couple that with my long standing why worry tomorrow when you can worry today passion for life, you can imagine that our Zen to Redneck translation tables where volumes short of the Encyclopedia Britannica. So needless to say we were rarely (never) on the same page.
The focus of my practice has always been grounded in the present moment. That was set to the test by the mysteries that were (ARE) Monks. Some times of course he would be unable to join me in IMVU (where we met and spent our days and nights) and I would over-think (agonize) over if he was ever going to come online again. I realize this makes little sense in the real world, it doesn’t make much more sense in the virtual realms, however if you have ever spent any amount of time as an avatar in ELUZN you will have seen more than your share of drama, deceipt, double jeopardy, “death” and disaster and that’s just on the dance floor! So it’s not that my “concern” was without any merit, it’s just one of those things that pass for normal in the dysfunctional fun of the real side of cartoon living. Remind me to tell you about the time he sent Skyler’s Take You Away to every female avatar on his very full dance card.
Much of the time I kept my crazy to myself, but every so often there would be an explosion of fast typing, run-on sentences, stream of (un)consciousness and typos that made it all that much more a display of creative expression. On one such occasion I ended my soliloquy by asking Monks , “How will I know when you are done?” After the obligatory I ain’t ever leaving you comments that flow like the Mountain Dew that would spill when he laughed too hard, he paused and said some version of “Tell ya what, when I need to leave I’ll show up with Bunny Slippers on and say Karma we have to talk.”
Somehow that made me feel better, but he was always a smooth talker for a non-verbal Avi. And of course bunny slippers became a call back joke all of these years. And the fact that it’s been all of these years later is still somewhat of an enigma. Suffice to say making the bunny slippers this week was a special project dear to our heart. 😉