Doggie Dreams
My quite girl Taco was sleeping at my feet on this dog day lazy afternoon. Her hairless body was warm against my leg and I could feel every slow breath as she slumbered in peace nonplussed by the clicking of my laptop. Then suddenly out of some deep mysterious annex of her mindless state comes a muffled WOOF. Startled, I peered over my LCD screen to see what had happened, but noticed her eyes were still closed, though her breathing had picked up pace considerably. As I watched for a moment more, I could see her paws begin to twitch. Was she running in her sleep? Then again, another closed muzzle WOOF burst through her doggie jowls. A few more fast breaths and wiggling toes, then again WOOF! WOOF! Followed by a very unexpected GRRRRRRRR.
For a moment I considered waking the ol’ girl up from her not so peace-filled doggie doze. But then again, it was only the story in my head that judged her dream state as unpleasant or fitful. Perhaps she preferred her sleeping dreams and the possibility of chasing rabbits or postal workers and other exciting adventures, all from the comfort and warmth of my bed. Not so different I suppose than the stories I write on my laptop. Afterall it’s just one more or less not-so-shaggy-dog-tale.