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middle of street closeThere is a plethora of unsolicited advice from people who have strong opinions about who, how and what you should be, do or don’t. Especially if you take a path that looks different. Particularly if you go down a road someone secretly envies despite hir disdain.
From the god you worship, the politico machine you believe, the breed of your pet and how your loyalties seem to align or stray from the way they believe you should act, be, do or be doomed. People will insinuate or insist on telling you The Way.

Families divide. Friendships fall away. Marriages fail … through no fault of their own but hey we need someone to blame in our post-hoc-alyptic world that feels more real than global warming in our mind.

So come one and all-inclusive to the moral high ground of how I should live my life. For clearly you must know Me better than I know mySelf. Love me conditionally with your withholding and guilt because it is only when you take a stand against what it is that I honor that I see the fear in your eye (I). And then I can return my love to you with all of my Being because my heart leads me to forgive not because they do not know better but gone gone the damage done.

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