The Daffodills’ Whisper

dafSurprise!  Its SPRING!!  Well, the daffodils that sprung up overnight in my backyard think so.  Its funny how such a simple thing can put a smile on your face.  At once my eyes grew wide and wonderful memories flooded my mind.  Because of course our meaning making machines like to attach a story to even the most basic of Life’s expressions.

There is truly something to be mindful about the old adage “Stop and smell the roses”.  Especially now in our much-a-do-about-nothing technology overloaded lives.  There is a purpose and instruction when we pause and notice where we are.  In fact THAT we ARE … this present moment.  A simple breath, the beauty of a bloom, a boot print in the soft earth.  When we stop and smile at everyTHING that is before our “I”, the mental noise of the story of “me” fades into the alcoves of our peripheral soap opera.  THIS, and only THIS becomes REAL.

photochopped tit on reedMy boyfriend and I were having a “conversation” yesterday as we sat by the small water garden.  We are both adept at he-said/she-said and every now and Zen we find ourselves able to spin a story well beyond any useful purpose.  The “conversation” was as long as it was weary and then out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a very tiny tit.  She was holding on to a long read that was growing out of the water.  I pointed it out to my partner and we both just watched the tiny creature as she contemplated how she could safely get a small drink of water from the cascading spillways.  Indeed it was enough of a shift from “reality” to REAL that when we did come back to our “conversation” we were able to find a path whereby we could walk together until we were out in a clearing.

daffs1The mind is like a labyrinth, so easy to get lost in its twisted turn-backs.  We often find our self roaming aimlessly around old memories or projected futures that have no business in our planning.  And while we are looking DOWN at the well worn path beneath our feet, it is hard to remember that there is an endless sky above our head.  Indeed tomorrow nor yesterday hold the key to our heart, it is only NOW that we can ever experience the bliss of happiness.  And THAT is the message whispered from the yellow center of the daffodil this morning.

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